Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Hannibal's Hardened Veterans!

They've been a while on the painting bench, but they're here now!

A couple of months ago, I took a break from painting my Punic Wars Carthaginians to make a start on some Bolt Action World War II Germans. This week I took a break from Bolt Action to finish off some of the Carthaginians who have been patiently waiting at the back of the painting shelf.

When I took my Bolt Action break, I had twenty of the veteran infantry, from the Victrix Miniatures Warriors of Carthage box, painted and in various stages of basing and only needed to complete a further four figures to finish off the planned twenty-four man unit to use with Swordpoint. Having had a complete change from painting mail shirts, brass armour and shields, the enthusiasm had definitely returned and the final four spearmen were soon receiving the acrylic they had been awaiting for so long.

In Swordpoint, Hannibal's veteran infantry will cost you a hefty 198 points, if you take all the additional upgrades, which is roughly 20% of a 1000 point army. For your points outlay, you get a unit made up of 6 bases of troops who are veteran, superior fighters, drilled and stubborn! It seems a lot, but all that lot sums up the quality of the troops who had spent many years fighting alongside the great man, across the length and breadth of Italy.
The 24 figures were all painted pretty randomly and given different shield designs, as I didn't want them to appear as a 'regular' unit. My impression of Hannibal's veterans is a unit which has absorbed all sorts of people over the years, each bringing individuality, while retaining enough unifying features to make it distinctly Carthaginian.

Completing this unit has definitely re-ignited the enthusiasm for cracking on with my Swordpoint army and I have just a few figures to paint to complete a unit of veteran Spanish Scutarii. After that, a 32 figure unit of Celts, doubling up the number of Spanish and Numidian cavalry, a whole new Celtic cavalry unit, some people to command the whole lot...

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