Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Batavians are Revolting!

A little add on to my previous post; I've been out making the most of the Spring sunshine this morning and snapped a few more shots of my latest Auxiliary cohort. While I was there, I dusted off my earlier attempts and started to get an idea of how they are going to look on the battlefield.

This is the first time I've had all three cohorts out of the box at the same time. Given that there are only four basic figures in the box, I'm quite pleased that each cohort looks a little different from the others. The Wargames Factory cavalry don't look too out of place along side the Warlords as well.

A slightly better shot of the IX Cohort command...
And a wider shot with, what looks like, a pantomime horse in the mist in the background! Behind you...
The blokes on the end of the line keeping an eye on unfolding events to secure that vulnerable right flank...
Cushy number down the other end of the line with shields to protect that flank...

Not sure the wailing women will ever find themselves out in front of the line once the army take the field for real.
That's it for Batavian Auxiliaries for the time being, as I'm going to be applying the brushes to some Warlord cavalry, a camp and more Roman legionaries. I've said it before, but this definitely is an army that keeps you interested, with lots of different troop types to paint.

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