Sunday, 13 January 2019

The Wehrmacht Must Be Quaking In Their Jack Boots.

Good old Santa brought a very pleasant surprise to leave in my Christmas stocking this year... designed to engender fear and dread in the hearts of those invading German soldiers as they trudge wearily across the endless Steppe into the heart of Mother Russia...

Yes folks... here it is...

The terrifying beast that is the BA 64 Armoured Car.

Armed with a DT Light Machine Gun, the Soviets affectionately referred to this little beauty as the 'Bobik'!

I'm not sure how much use my little 'Bobik' will be on the battlefield, but I guess it could supply use useful support fire for the rifle squads, or make a hell for leather dash to secure an objective.

I wasn't massively impressed by the contents of the box as supplied by Warlord in all honesty. The kit for the 'Bobik' was wrapped in a bit bubble wrap and contained no instructions or decals at all. None of this is a massive moan, but at £17 a go, I think Santa might have been expecting something a bit better for his buck!

Fortunately, I had bought a T34 previously and had quite a few decals left over from making that and some of those were pressed into service on the 'Bobik'. Now that it is completed (apart from a coat of varnish) I really love this quirky little armoured car and I suspect that it will see plenty of action as Stalin's warriors strive to eject the Teutonic hordes from Russia.